The Advanced Card Training Class

Four one-hour Video CDs (PC or Mac) & The Advanced Oracle Workbook (EBook)

($59.95 if you own the Workbook already)

Using the Advanced Oracle Workbook you will learn the advanced methods of reading the cards in this 4 hour class. Beginning with learning how to quadrate the deck to generate the 90 Grand Solar Spreads, you will learn every detail and nuance of reading and using the cards in the ancient way originally taught to Robert over 18 years ago. This advanced approach gives you 2-3 times as much information about any client’s year, seven-year or other spread.

Inside the Meanings of the Cards Part One:
The Yearly Spread Cards

Four one-hour Video CDs (PC or Mac)


In this four-hour class you will learn the inner secrets behind numbers, suits and planets and how they each interact to form the meanings of the 52 cards in the deck. As Robert talks about each card in the deck, you will see how each card plays a role in both the Life Spread and Yearly Spreads of individuals. This is the latest, up to date information on the cards, a resource you can view many times to enhance your understanding of the cards in your spreads.

Inside the Meanings of the Cards Part Two:
The Birth Cards and their Life Spreads

Six one-hour Video CDs (PC or Mac)


This Video CD (PC or Mac) series will teach you all about each of the Birth Cards, and how their personal karma is reflected in their Life Spreads. You will see the patterns of karma as they play out in the many Life Spreads and how each card represents a karmic choice for the current lifetime. Also, Robert will discuss the personal, emotional, professional and other issues that are common for each of the 52 cards. This will be a resource worth studying over and over again.