Advanced Oracle Workbook (PDF EBook)

by Robert Camp 115 pages
This book can be downloaded and then printed or viewed from your computer.


This book has the 90 Grand Solar Spreads and includes brief instructions on how to read them. Though not a substitute for the Advanced Card Workshop, it can get you started in using these spreads to do readings. Also includes instructions for finding the card for the hour of day. After purchase you will receive instructions on how to download this book  as a PDF, which you can view or print out from your computer.

Little Book of Seven Thunders

by Robert Lee Camp 214 pages

$59.95  printed and shipped to you. You also get access to the EVersion for one year

$29.95 as the read-only online EVersion that you can read for one year.

This is the book that initiates you into the mystical aspects of the Science of the Cards. For years Robert Lee Camp has been promising to write an advanced book that will explain all the advanced techniques in detail.  Not only does he describe the essential roots of the system but also goes into great detail about the auspicious positions, yearly, seven year and other spreads and how they are derived from the Grand Solar Spreads.For those ready to understand the system from the ground up, this is the place to start.

Also included in this book are new descriptions of each of the 52 birth cards, written from the advanced point of view, showing their position in the Grand Solar Spread and its significance. This book is available printed or as an online read-only book that you can access for one year.

Olney H. Richmond Books

Mystic Testbook

by Olney H. Richmond 316 pages


This book is a must for serious students of metaphysics and the cards. Olney Richmond was the very first to introduce the secrets of the cards to the public being the Grand Master of the Order of the Magi in the 1890s until his death in 1920. Though difficult to comprehend, the foundations for this system are laid out along with complex formulas for calculating the time cards for hours, minutes and seconds of the day. A history of the cards and their significance is what most beginning readers appreciate about this book, but it goes well beyond that and will be a lifetime study for most students. There is too much in this book to describe here.

Temple Lectures

by Olney H. Richmond 217 pages


For those who want to find out more about Olney Richmond and the Order of the Magi, this is a collection of actual lectures that Olney gave at the Temple of the Magi in Chicago in the 1890s. The subject of these lectures ranges from the significance of the Order to Olney’s perspective on the universe and universal laws that govern the movements of planets.

Yenlo and the Mystic Brotherhood

compiled by Arline Richmond 138 pages


This is a compilation of various works about the life of Olney Richmond by his daughter, Arline, who took up his responsibilies with the Order of the Magi upon his death. There are some very interesting articles and photographs to be found in this collection, including three or more published accounts by local newspaper reporters on the apparent ‘miracles’ that he performed with the cards to demonstrate the laws of time and planetary motion. There are even some poems that Olney wrote along with some other advanced information about the cards.